News from the
2024 Passaggio Vocal Award
This year, for the first time, the KaMYM Trust extended an invitation to singers aged 18-25, to be chosen to participate in a masterclass culminating with the Passaggio Vocal Award.
Generously hosted at The Glassbox Theatre in Gillingham, the masterclass took place on Saturday 25th May 2024. Accompanied by Mark Bromley, 'master' Rachael Lloyd gave a vibrant opening performance of Seguidilla from Bizet's Carmen and had the pleasure of working with the 5 competitors. The panel were treated to a range of delights from Schonberg's I'd Give my Life for You (Miss Saigon) to Rodgers & Hammerstein's The Sound of Music.
Congratulations to Leonie Carrette who was awarded the 2024 Passaggio Vocal Award.
The KaMYM Trust would like to thank all the competitors for their performances and would like to wish them each a lifetime of happy singing.
Thank you to Rachael Lloyd, Mark Bromley, The Glassbox Theatre and to Trustee, Anna Nicolaus Evans for their generosity and service.
The Passaggio Vocal Award is an annual event and details for 2025 will be released soon. Please contact us if you would like to be kept informed of upcoming plans.
Canterbury Music Club and KaMYMT Concert
Three of the KaMYM Trust’s brightest young stars performed at the Gulbenkian theatre in Canterbury on Sunday 21 st April 2024: Oliver Moh, cello, Jemima Inman, oboe, and Ricky Taing, flute, accompanied by pianists Mark Bromley and Leah Inman.
This was at the invitation of the Chair of the Canterbury Music Club, Professor Grenville Hancox MBE who is one of the Trust’s Ambassadors.
The concert was held in the presence of our patron the Lady Colgrain, Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, Cllr Gordon Cowan, the Chairman of Dover, and Cllr Tom Mellish, Sheriff of Canterbury. During the interval the trustees held a reception for players, guests, Friends and Ambassadors.
"A note to congratulate you on the Trust and everything you are doing to help young musicians from Kent and Medway. The public face of the Trust was impressive not only through the excellence of the three young musicians but also your detailed organisation with special guests and your patron, the Lord Lieutenant of Kent."
Professor Grenville Hancox
Canterbury Music Club Chair
"It has been a pleasure working with you and your team for what turned out to be an excellent concert much appreciated by our Members."
Ian Lane
Canterbury Music Club Treasurer
Presenting: The Passaggio Vocal Award
This year, for the first time, the KaMYM Trust extends an invitation to singers aged 18-25, to be chosen to participate in a masterclass culminating with the Passaggio Vocal Award.
Saturday 25 May 2024
Glassbox Theatre
Medway Rd
Vice Chair, Nigel Barham recounts the Gala Concert
Click on the image to read in full.
Gala Concert Success
Our Gala Concert held on Friday 17 March in the Great Hall of Allington Castle was a glittering success enjoyed by 120 people, including Sir Robert Worcester, the owner of the castle. Also attending were the Chair of Kent County Council Mrs Lesley Game, the Mayor of Maidstone Cllr Derek Mortimer, and the Mayor of Medway Cllr Jan Aldous, two previous High Sheriffs of Kent and several Deputy Lieutenants. Hosting the concert were the Trust's patron, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, The Lady Colgrain, and Nancy Litten, Chair of the Trustees. The event opened with a wine and canapés reception and included a Silent Auction, which raised £1,100. Read the Kent Online article and take a look at our Gala Gallery!
Press Release for Concert 17 March 2023
Read the full press release for the Trust's Gala Concert on 17 March 2023 to support young musicians in Kent and Medway. Book your tickets today.
The Trust's inaugural Gala Concert
The Trust is now selling tickets for its first Gala Concert in March at Allington Castle. Book your tickets today.
Ricky Taing on BBC Radio Kent
Our Ambassador and former grant recipient Ricky Taing was recently on BBC Radio Kent with our vice-chair Nigel Barham to talk about how the Trust has benefited him and to promote our forthcoming concert. Here him playing and the interview on BBC Radio Kent's Facebook page.
Kent Music Annual Conference
We were delighted to join Kent Music at their Annual Conference on 29 November 2022 to increase awareness of the Grants we provide and fundraising activity. Our vice-chair Nigel Barham attended on behalf of the Trust.
Maidstone Dawn Patrol Rotary Club
Thank you to the Maidstone Dawn Patrol Rotary Club for singing and fundraising on a chilly December morning for the Trust and other local charities.